Money In, Money Out: How To Keep Your Money Fluid With Transportation Factoring And Funding

Keeping a trucking business afloat until you have lots of customers hiring you for shipping services takes some skill. If you can keep your business alive for the first five years, you have a better chance of keeping it going for as long as you want. During this period, you need money to stay as fluid as possible so that you can keep your trucks fueled and running, your drivers paid, and your offices and warehouse functioning. [Read More]

Things You Should And Shouldn't Use Your Home Equity Loan For

Many people get home equity loans to help pay for certain expenses that they feel like they cannot do without. Some things are a good investment when it comes to home equity loans, but other things should be avoided. Here are some things you should and shouldn't use your home equity loan for. 1. You Should Use Home Equity To Invest If the market is really good and you can get a good return on your investment, it might be worth taking out a small home equity loan to invest your money. [Read More]

5 Tips To Save Money On Your Auto Loan

Often times, buying a car doesn't come without an auto loan. However, when it comes to using an auto loan to pay off your vehicle, you are going to be paying more than what the car is worth because of the interest. Here are five tips to help you save when paying off your auto loan: Round Payments: If your car payment is $280 per month, for example, you should pay $300 instead. [Read More]

2 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Purchasing A Home

Buying a house is a major decision. It is important before you choose a house that you have thought through some things to make sure that it is the right house for you. Here are some things you should consider before buying a house. Will This House Make You House Poor? It is not uncommon for people to purchase a house and then become house poor. They put all of their money into their house so that they no longer have the funds to do other things they enjoy. [Read More]